October is breast cancer awareness month. So here's some real talk. Two and a half years into my metastatic breast cancer journey, I have declined significantly in less than two months. Mid-August I was enjoying NYC with my girls, averaging 20,000 steps a day. I planned that trip even though I couldn't afford it because with this disease you just don't know what the future holds, so best to do stuff when you can. I'm glad I did because now, two months later, I can barely walk to my car. Not sure if it's because of cancer pressing on my spinal cord or if I've just coincidentally developed sciatica, but my left leg has been weak and very painful ever since I found out I've had progression into my bones at the end of August. I've also had horrific pain in various places around my ribcage. At first I thought I'd pulled a muscle, or trapped a nerve. Then the pain moved but was just as intense. So intense I haven't been able to take a deep breath fo...
In December 2011, at the age of 37, I found a lump in my breast. This is the story of my bad boob.